
Showing posts from August, 2023

Packaging CustomAsm for Ubuntu

I'm using CustomAsm to compile code for my  8-bit-CPU . It works quite nice locally, but I thought it would be nice, if I could also run the compilation as part of GitHub Actions workflow. I will not go into deep details about how to set up those workflows, there's documentation for that. Basically you create a .yml file in your Git repository for GitHub to act on. There's a choice of OSes for the workflows to run on, my selection is Ubuntu. There's a slight issue, though. CustomAsm is a Rust program and normally it is installed using cargo install command. To do that, each time I'd have to install Rust, compile CustomAsm and only then I'd be able to use it. It might work, but there's too much of preparation. Wouldn't it be nice, if I could just apt-get install customasm and be ready to use it. That's what I'm about to enable. Ubuntu Personal Package Archives In order for package to be installable in the runner , it must be available at pub