8 bit CPU: Soldering the boards

The boards arrived, so did parts. Time to put it all together. I've chosen to make boards using SMD parts, soldering those might sound a little scary. What I remember from previous experience (I've soldered a couple of small boards before), it is easier than one could think before trying. Tool-wise it also does not require anything fancy. Good tweezers, small soldering iron, flux pen. Solder wick could be useful, but I did not need that very often. It helps to have brightly lit workplace. Soldering SOIC chip on the board so that it is connected properly is quick and easy. It takes a bit longer if one wants to align it perfectly . Solder one corner pin, check alignment, re-melt and correct until you're happy, then do one in the opposite corner. Finish with the remaining pins. 0805 resistors and capacitors also are quite easy - solder one pad, check, re-melt. Once happy - solder other one. What I struggled a bit with was LEDs. Again - it is not hard to put them on board and s...