8-bit CPU: Test module and Python-assembly code

I have ALU block and Memory block, as a next step I wanted to connect both of them to my Arduino test device. It worked, but was very clumsy (3 devices, held together just by wires). I decided to re-build the Test module differently - on breadboard, so I can connect modules together. It is an Arduino Nano , driving a pair of 74HC595 shift registers. To expand further, 3 pins from each shift register drives 74HC138 demultiplexers. Control lines from demultiplexers are for Out and Load lines (7 for each type), the rest are for general purpose (for example - ALU's Subtract). I played around with more tests, implemented ld and st "instructions" (load a register from memory location and store register value in memory) in my Python-assembly. Then I started to think: there are 2 registers, ALU, Flags, memory. I even have some sort of assembly language. What if I try to implement something more interesting, utilizing resources I have? The "classic" program for BE-SAP...