Building a serial add-on board (part 2)
In Part 1 we discussed why we need a serial add-on board and designed one. Now it's time to actually build one. Of course we will require some tools, materials, and chemicals, I'll describe them along the way. First and foremost, we need a material for PCB. I'll use 1-sided FR-4 epoxy laminate. I've been lucky to acquire an enormous piece (1/2 sqm. or so) in a garage sale. But it should be available at most DIY electronics stores. As I mentioned earlier, we will require a piece with size 40 x 45 mm. Draw the borders and cut it off with a hacksaw. Do not worry, if you can not quite follow the line and your cuts are not very straight. You will be able to trim it to right dimensions using a file. Smooth any sharp edges as well, while you're at it. Note, that dust from sawing and filing FR-4 might be hazardous, so I'm doing this outside. Now it's time to clean it. I'll use a kitchen sponge with a bit of laundry detergent on it. Rub i...