8-bit CPU: Display (part 2)

Earlier I worked on a display module, but could not proceed because I had no means of programming an EEPROM. I had to step aside for a moment and build a device that can do that. Now I have programmer, but what data should I write on the chip? Well, Ben explained the main idea quite carefully in a series of videos, but my build differs a little. One thing is - I did not follow the videos exactly, so I'm fairly certain that I have connected display segments to EEPROM's data output pins differently. In Ben's video there were several wires, connecting pins on different sides of EEPROM and displays. I have just one. Ben mapped every digit on a paper and carefully worked out the byte values for each. I suppose it's fine if you want to show the process in detail. But I have lazier idea - let C compiler and Arduino do it for me. They are much better at performing tedious calculations. I'll just set the rules. For starters, I have to figure out which bit is connected to w...